Exercise 3.2: Comic Strip

In this exercise you will develop a comic strip based on the short story you have created in Exercise 2.2. Comic strips are short stories told in 3 or 4 frames carefully designed to convey its main message. Think about the comic strip as a device to translate your short story into individual images that capture your character’s journey from beginning to end.


Create a comic strip with 3-4 frames to tell the short story you have developed in Exercise 2.2.

Steps to Completion

  1. A good way to start is to assign one frame to each of the three moments of your short story (beginning, middle, and end). Make a quick sketch for each frame (by hand, or using Adobe Illustrator/Photoshop), thinking about the main elements they must have to convey that moment in the story, including details about your character(s), location(s), and elements in the background. Take a good look at the frames in relation to one another. Do you have all the elements you need?

  2. Redraw each frame, refining the main elements and adding details to help convey your story and making the overall strip more polished. If you can, show it to friends to see if they can understand the plot.

  3. Make any changes necessary and create the final version by hand, or using Adobe Illustrator/Photoshop.

  4. Post your final comic strip as a PDF file to the course page following this naming convention:


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