Exercise 8 - Color grading and scene mood

In Lesson 8 you have learned how to use color grading to correct the color in a scene and to completely alter its mood. In this exercise you will apply what you have learned to the animated scene you have create for Project 3. Were the colors of the various elements you have created for your scene a bit off? Was the mood of the scene not exactly following what you envisioned in your storyboard? Now is the time to correct those.


In this exercise you will use color grading to further develop the scene you have created in Project 3:

  1. Use color grading to correct the overall look of your scene. You must use at least 3 color grading tools you have learned in Lesson 8 (Brightness and Contrast; Levels; Color Balance; Hue and Saturation; Curves; Lumetri Color) to correct the color of your scene.

You will submit (1) the original Adobe After Effects file for your color graded scene and (2) one video clip containing your color graded scene.

Steps to completion

  1. Open the scene you have created for Project 3 in Adobe After Effects.

  2. Refer back to your short story (Exercise 2.2) and storyboard (Project 1). What is the overall mood you think your scene should have? Should the colors be happy and vibrant, or should they be sober and toned down? Color grading is more than making a scene look good. Think about how the overall look of your scene can help you telling your story.

    With that in mind, correct the overall look of you scene by applying at least 3 color grading tools you have learned in Lesson 8. You can choose from:

    • Brightness and Contrast
    • Levels
    • Color Balance
    • Hue and Saturation
    • Curves
    • Lumetri Color

    All tools were explained at length in Lesson 8, so refer back to it if you have any doubts.

  3. Take a final closer look into your scene and make any necessary adjustments.

  4. Export your final animation as an .mp4 video following this naming convention:


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