

Exercise Criteria
Followed all assignment directions 70%
Craft/Attention to detail: Was the work crafted at the highest possible level? 20%
Assignment submitted on time 10%


Project Criteria
Criticality and Understanding - Applies relevant design concepts, topics, and techniques from lessons 20%
Novelty and Venturing Beyond - Develops original ideas, takes productive risks, or significantly transforms/combines other ideas in unique ways 20%
Articulation and Focus - Clearly articulates goals, processes, and outcomes; prioritizes essential tasks 20%
Adaptability and Vision/Re-Visioning - Engages with feedback, open to learning from others and seeing in new ways 20%
Critique and Feedback Participation - Provides thoughtful insights, suggestions, encouragement, and advice; demonstrates empathy 20%

Grading policy

Exercises (10): 400 points (40 points each) Projects (4): 500 points (Project 1,2 and 3 - 100 points each; Project 4 - 200 points) Participation: 100 points Total: 1000 points

Grade %
A 94-100
A- 90-93
B+ 87-89
B 84-86
B- 80-83
C+ 77-79
C 74-76
C- 70-73
D 60-69
F 0-59

Grades will reflect the student’s ability to clearly demonstrate:

  • Success in relation to course and assignment objectives.
  • Resolution and quality of work understanding of concept and ability to express that understanding.
  • Inventiveness and ambition.
  • Participation and commitment in all course activities.

Based on the above criteria, grades will be assessed using the following breakdown:

A (Outstanding) Outstanding work that exceeds the basic project requirements and demonstrates profound insight, originality and understanding.

A- (Excellent) Excellent work that exceeds the basic project requirements and demonstrates insight and originality.

B (Good) Very good work that demonstrates a thorough understanding of the course material and exceeds the basic project requirements.

C (Average) Satisfactory work that meets basic project requirements and demonstrates good understanding of the material.

D (Poor) Satisfactory work that meets basic project requirements and demonstrates some understanding of the material (not a thorough understanding).

F (Failure) Unsatisfactory work which shows insufficient effort or comprehension

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