Project 4

Theme: Journey

A journey can be epic, universal, the hero’s journey of redemption and glory. It also can be personal, individual, the journey of our everyday lives, the journey of self-improvement and growth. A journey implies change. The transitions of the environment, the metamorphosis from childhood to adult life, the passing of time, a new skill learned, etc.


The focus of this project is the creation of an animation that successfully conveys a clear idea while making use of the techniques shown over the entire course. Your animation shouldn’t be shorter than 10 seconds, or longer than 2 min.

For your final submission, you should upload a video of your animation together with a project reflection text (1 - 2 paragraphs) about your animation development process, the problems you encountered and how you solved them, and what you would have done differently.

You may utilize images or textures downloaded from the internet or from previous projects you worked on. Just make sure you have permission to use these images, and utilize them only as props or background elements. If you make use of downloaded images, make sure to mention that in your project reflection text.

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